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Architecture Diagram for reddit-fundraisers
Architecture Diagram for reddit-fundraisers

The reddit-fundraisers repository contains the core functionality of a Reddit-based fundraising application. This application allows Reddit moderators to create fundraisers for nonprofits through the platform and display them as interactive posts on their subreddit. Users can then donate to these fundraisers directly through the posts.

The most important parts of the repository are the src directory, which contains the application's core functionality, and the …/utils directory, which provides a robust set of utilities that handle various aspects of the application.

The …/main.tsx file contains the main business logic for the fundraiser creation process, including integrating with the API and managing the caching of fundraiser information in Redis, a key-value store. This allows the application to improve performance and scalability by caching frequently accessed data.

The …/components directory contains several reusable React components that provide the user interface for the application, such as the CircularLogo, FancyButton, FullScreenOverlay, FundraiserView, and Watermark components. These components leverage the Devvit library to create a consistent and visually appealing user experience.

The …/forms directory contains the implementation of various forms used in the Reddit fundraising application, such as forms for providing a description and creating a post from an existing fundraiser. These forms handle user input and interactions related to the fundraising process.

The …/utils directory provides a robust set of utilities that handle various aspects of the Reddit fundraising application, including:

  • CachedForm class for managing and caching form data
  • Redis integration functions for storing and retrieving cached data
  • Utilities for date/time handling, image processing, and real-time updates

The application also integrates with the platform through the functionality in the …/sources directory, which includes functions for creating new fundraisers, fetching nonprofit information, and retrieving fundraiser details.

Overall, the reddit-fundraisers repository provides a comprehensive solution for integrating Reddit-based fundraising functionality with the platform, leveraging caching and reusable UI components to deliver a high-performance and visually appealing user experience.

Reddit Fundraising Application
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References: src

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Architecture Diagram for Reddit Fundraising Application
Architecture Diagram for Reddit Fundraising Application

The Reddit Fundraising Application is a platform that allows Reddit moderators to create fundraisers for nonprofits through the platform and display them as interactive posts on their subreddit. Users can then donate to these fundraisers directly through the posts.

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Creating and Managing Fundraisers
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References: src/main.tsx, src/sources

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Architecture Diagram for Creating and Managing Fundraisers
Architecture Diagram for Creating and Managing Fundraisers

The core functionality of the Reddit Fundraising application is centered around creating and managing fundraisers. This is primarily handled in the …/main.tsx file, which integrates with the platform to create new fundraisers and manage the fundraising process.

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Displaying Fundraisers on Reddit
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References: src/components, src/utils

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Architecture Diagram for Displaying Fundraisers on Reddit
Architecture Diagram for Displaying Fundraisers on Reddit

The …/Fundraiser.tsx file contains the core functionality for displaying fundraisers as interactive posts on Reddit. This includes:

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Integrating with
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References: src/sources

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Architecture Diagram for Integrating with
Architecture Diagram for Integrating with

The …/Every.ts file contains the core functionality for integrating with the platform. This includes creating new fundraisers, fetching nonprofit information, and retrieving details about existing fundraisers.

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Fundraiser View
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References: src/components/Fundraiser.tsx

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Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser View
Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser View

The FundraiserView function is the main component that renders the fundraiser details, including the cover image, nonprofit information, fundraiser title and description, progress bar, and donation button.

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Fundraiser Status Management
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References: src/types/index.ts, src/utils/formUtils.ts, src/utils/dateUtils.ts

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Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Status Management
Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Status Management

The FundraiserStatus enum in …/index.ts defines the possible states of a fundraiser: Active, Completed, and Expired. This status is crucial for determining the behavior and display of fundraisers throughout the application.

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Scheduler Jobs
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References: src/main.tsx, src/utils/jobUtils.ts

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Architecture Diagram for Scheduler Jobs
Architecture Diagram for Scheduler Jobs

The application implements several scheduler jobs to manage fundraiser status, update posts, and handle expired or completed fundraisers:

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Fundraiser Overlay Management
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References: src/components/Fundraiser.tsx

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Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Overlay Management
Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Overlay Management

Within the …/Fundraiser.tsx file, overlay management is a critical feature that enhances user interaction with the fundraising component. The overlays provide additional information in a user-friendly manner. Key points of the overlay management functionality include:

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Reusable Components
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References: src/components

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Architecture Diagram for Reusable Components
Architecture Diagram for Reusable Components

The …/components directory contains several reusable React components that are essential for the functionality of the Reddit Fundraising application. These components provide a consistent and visually appealing user interface, leveraging the Devvit library to handle the layout and styling.

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Fundraiser Component Layout and Responsiveness
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References: src/components/Fundraiser.tsx

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Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Component Layout and Responsiveness
Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Component Layout and Responsiveness

The FundraiserView function within …/Fundraiser.tsx adapts to various screen sizes, presenting fundraiser information clearly across devices. The component manages lengthy fundraiser descriptions by rendering a "Read more" button when the description exceeds the allocated display area. This button expands the text box to reveal the full description, allowing users to read the complete narrative without overwhelming the initial view.

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Fundraiser Overlay Functionality
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References: src/components/Fundraiser.tsx

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Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Overlay Functionality
Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Overlay Functionality

Within the FundraiserView function in …/Fundraiser.tsx, overlay functionality is a key feature that enhances user interaction by providing additional information in a layered view. The implementation of OverlayType.FundraisersApp is a specific overlay type designed to inform users about the Fundraisers App on Reddit. This overlay is part of a suite of overlays managed within the FundraiserView component, which serves as the primary interface for displaying fundraiser details.

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Fundraiser Dynamic Updates
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References: src/components/Fundraiser.tsx

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Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Dynamic Updates
Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Dynamic Updates

Within the Fundraiser.tsx component, dynamic updates are a key feature that enhances the user experience by providing real-time feedback on the progress of fundraising campaigns. The component is designed to handle updates to critical fundraiser details, such as the amount raised, the goal, and the number of supporters. These updates are reflected in the user interface without the need for a page refresh, ensuring that users have access to the latest information.

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Fundraiser Image Validation
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References: src/components/Fundraiser.tsx

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Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Image Validation
Architecture Diagram for Fundraiser Image Validation

In the …/Fundraiser.tsx file, the FundraiserView function is tasked with rendering the visual elements of a fundraiser, including the cover image which is a significant part of the fundraiser's appeal. To ensure that only valid cover images are displayed to the users, the evaluateValidCoverImageOr404() function is employed. This function performs the following key actions:

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Dynamic Sizing and Layout Calculations
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References: src/components/Fundraiser.tsx, src/utils/constants.ts

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Architecture Diagram for Dynamic Sizing and Layout Calculations
Architecture Diagram for Dynamic Sizing and Layout Calculations

Dynamic sizing and layout calculations in the Fundraiser component are handled primarily through the calculateLayout() function in …/constants.ts. This function takes height and width parameters and returns an object containing various layout-related values.

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Form Management
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References: src/forms

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Architecture Diagram for Form Management
Architecture Diagram for Form Management

The …/forms directory contains the implementation of various forms used in the Reddit fundraising application. These forms are responsible for handling user input and interactions related to creating and managing fundraisers on the Reddit platform.

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Utility Classes and Functions
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References: src/utils, src/managers, src/types

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Architecture Diagram for Utility Classes and Functions
Architecture Diagram for Utility Classes and Functions

The …/utils directory contains a collection of utility functions and classes that provide various functionalities to the Reddit fundraising application.

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Configuration and Constants
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References: src/utils/constants.ts

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Architecture Diagram for Configuration and Constants
Architecture Diagram for Configuration and Constants

In the reddit-fundraisers repository, the file located at …/constants.ts plays a crucial role in defining the visual presentation of fundraisers across different device viewports. It establishes a set of configurations that dictate how elements are displayed, ensuring that the user interface adapts to various screen sizes, particularly mobile devices.

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Utility Functions
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References: src/utils

The …/utils directory provides support functionalities for the Reddit Fundraising application. It includes utilities for handling date and time operations, image processing, and dynamic layout calculations to adapt the application to different screen sizes and user interactions.

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Job Management
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References: src/utils/jobUtils.ts

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Architecture Diagram for Job Management
Architecture Diagram for Job Management

The getFundraiserSummary function retrieves and formats fundraiser information:

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Redis Integration
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References: src/utils/Redis.ts

Redis integration is implemented through utility functions in …/Redis.ts. Key functionalities include:

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Form Data Management
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References: src/utils/CachedForm.ts

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Architecture Diagram for Form Data Management
Architecture Diagram for Form Data Management

The CachedForm class manages and caches form data related to fundraisers. It uses a Map called aggregates to store PropertyManager instances for each type of form data defined in the TypeMapping interface. The class tracks the last updated timestamp and the current fundraiser status.

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Types and Interfaces
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References: src/types/index.ts

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Architecture Diagram for Types and Interfaces
Architecture Diagram for Types and Interfaces

The …/index.ts file defines key types and interfaces used throughout the application:

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Mock Data and Utilities
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References: src/mocks

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Architecture Diagram for Mock Data and Utilities
Architecture Diagram for Mock Data and Utilities

The …/mocks directory contains mock data and utility functions related to the fundraising features of the Every platform. These are used for testing and development purposes.

Read more API Integration
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References: src/sources

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Architecture Diagram for API Integration
Architecture Diagram for API Integration

The …/Every.ts file contains the functionality for interacting with the API, which is a key component of the Reddit Fundraising application. This file exports several functions that handle the creation of new fundraisers, fetching of nonprofit information, and retrieval of fundraiser details.

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