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Architecture Diagram for pipecat
Architecture Diagram for pipecat

Pipecat is an open-source framework for building real-time voice and multimodal conversational AI applications. It provides a modular architecture for processing audio, video, and text data, integrating various AI services, and creating interactive conversational experiences.

The core of Pipecat is built around a pipeline-based architecture for processing different types of data frames. The Frame Processing section details how the system handles various frame types, including text, audio, and transcription frames. The pipeline architecture, implemented in …/pipeline, allows for flexible composition of processing components.

Key components of the framework include:

  • Frame Processors: Located in …/processors, these components handle tasks such as aggregating frames, filtering, and integrating with external frameworks like Langchain.

  • AI Services: The …/services directory contains implementations for various AI services, including language models (e.g., OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure), text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and image generation. The AI Services Integration section provides more details on how these services are integrated into the framework.

  • Transports: The …/transports directory implements input/output mechanisms for audio, video, and network communication. This includes local transports using PyAudio and Tkinter, as well as network transports using WebSockets.

  • Voice Activity Detection: Implemented in …/vad, this system detects when a user starts and stops speaking, which is crucial for interactive conversational applications.

The framework's design emphasizes modularity and extensibility. Key design choices include:

  • Use of protocol buffers for defining frame structures, allowing for efficient serialization and deserialization of data.
  • Asynchronous processing using Python's asyncio library, enabling non-blocking I/O operations.
  • Abstract base classes for services and transports, facilitating easy addition of new implementations.

Pipecat includes a variety of example applications in the examples directory, demonstrating how to build different types of conversational AI applications using the framework. These range from simple chatbots to more complex applications like storytelling chatbots and patient intake systems.

For developers looking to build conversational AI applications, Pipecat provides a flexible foundation that can be customized and extended to meet specific requirements. The modular architecture allows for easy integration of new AI services and processing components, making it adaptable to a wide range of use cases in voice and multimodal AI.

Frame Processing
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References: src/pipecat/frames, src/pipecat/pipeline, src/pipecat/processors

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Architecture Diagram for Frame Processing
Architecture Diagram for Frame Processing

The Pipecat framework employs a modular approach to process various types of frames through a pipeline architecture. At its core, the FrameProcessor class serves as the foundation for all data processing components. This class manages frame processing, metrics, and error handling, providing a common interface for subclasses to implement specific functionality.

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Frame Types and Definitions
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References: src/pipecat/frames/protobufs

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Architecture Diagram for Frame Types and Definitions
Architecture Diagram for Frame Types and Definitions

The Pipecat system defines four primary frame types in …/

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Pipeline Architecture
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References: src/pipecat/pipeline

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Architecture Diagram for Pipeline Architecture
Architecture Diagram for Pipeline Architecture

The pipeline architecture in Pipecat is built around several key components:

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Frame Processors
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References: src/pipecat/processors

The FrameProcessor class serves as the foundation for various data processing components in the Pipecat system. It provides a common set of functionality for managing frames, metrics, and error handling. Key features include:

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References: src/pipecat/processors/aggregators

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Architecture Diagram for Aggregators
Architecture Diagram for Aggregators

The GatedAggregator class accumulates frames based on custom functions that determine when to start and stop aggregation. It uses gate_open_fn and gate_close_fn to control the "gate" state, pushing frames to output when open and accumulating them when closed.

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References: src/pipecat/processors/filters

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Architecture Diagram for Filters
Architecture Diagram for Filters

The Pipecat framework implements several filtering mechanisms to process and control the flow of frames in the pipeline:

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Framework Integration
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References: src/pipecat/processors/frameworks

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Architecture Diagram for Framework Integration
Architecture Diagram for Framework Integration

The LangchainProcessor and RTVIProcessor classes integrate Langchain and RTVI frameworks into the Pipecat processing pipeline.

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GStreamer Integration
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References: src/pipecat/processors/gstreamer

The GStreamerPipelineSource class in …/ integrates GStreamer for audio and video processing within the Pipecat pipeline. It sets up and manages a GStreamer pipeline based on a provided pipeline description string and optional output parameters.

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Network Transports
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References: src/pipecat/transports/network

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Architecture Diagram for Network Transports
Architecture Diagram for Network Transports

The network transports in Pipecat provide WebSocket-based communication for real-time data exchange. Two main implementations are available:

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AI Services Integration
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References: src/pipecat/services

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Architecture Diagram for AI Services Integration
Architecture Diagram for AI Services Integration

The AIService class serves as the foundation for various AI services in the Pipecat framework. It handles common functionality like processing start, stop, and cancel frames. The AsyncAIService provides an asynchronous version of this base class.

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AI Service Base Classes
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References: src/pipecat/services/

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Architecture Diagram for AI Service Base Classes
Architecture Diagram for AI Service Base Classes

AIService and AsyncAIService serve as foundational classes for AI services in the Pipecat framework. These classes, defined in …/, provide essential functionality for managing the lifecycle and frame processing of AI services.

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Text-to-Speech Services
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References: src/pipecat/services/

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Architecture Diagram for Text-to-Speech Services
Architecture Diagram for Text-to-Speech Services

The TTSService class, inheriting from AsyncAIService, provides core functionality for text-to-speech services in the Pipecat framework. Key features include:

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Language Model Services
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References: src/pipecat/services/

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Architecture Diagram for Language Model Services
Architecture Diagram for Language Model Services

The LLMService class provides a foundation for integrating large language models into the Pipecat framework. Key features include:

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Speech-to-Text Services
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References: src/pipecat/services/

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Architecture Diagram for Speech-to-Text Services
Architecture Diagram for Speech-to-Text Services

The STTService class, inheriting from AsyncAIService, provides a foundation for integrating speech-to-text functionality into the Pipecat pipeline. Key features include:

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Image Generation Services
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References: src/pipecat/services/

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Architecture Diagram for Image Generation Services
Architecture Diagram for Image Generation Services

The ImageGenService class, inheriting from AsyncAIService, provides a foundation for integrating image generation capabilities into the Pipecat framework. Key aspects include:

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Vision Services
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References: src/pipecat/services/

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Architecture Diagram for Vision Services
Architecture Diagram for Vision Services

The VisionService class, inheriting from AsyncAIService, provides a foundation for integrating computer vision capabilities into the Pipecat pipeline. Key features include:

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Deepgram Integration
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References: src/pipecat/services/

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Architecture Diagram for Deepgram Integration
Architecture Diagram for Deepgram Integration

The DeepgramSTTService class integrates Deepgram's speech-to-text functionality into the Pipecat framework. Key features include:

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Whisper Integration
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References: src/pipecat/services/

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Architecture Diagram for Whisper Integration
Architecture Diagram for Whisper Integration

The WhisperSTTService class integrates the Whisper speech-to-text model into the Pipecat framework. Key features include:

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Transport Layer
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References: src/pipecat/transports

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Architecture Diagram for Transport Layer
Architecture Diagram for Transport Layer

The transport layer in Pipecat is implemented through a hierarchy of classes that handle input/output for audio, video, and network communication. The base classes BaseTransport, BaseInputTransport, and BaseOutputTransport provide the foundation for specific transport implementations.

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WebSocket Transport
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References: src/pipecat/transports/network

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Architecture Diagram for WebSocket Transport
Architecture Diagram for WebSocket Transport

In …/network, the WebSocket-based transport mechanism is a pivotal component for real-time data exchange within the Pipecat framework. The directory houses the implementation for establishing and managing WebSocket connections, which are essential for transmitting Pipecat frames between clients and servers.

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FastAPI WebSocket Integration
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References: src/pipecat/transports/network/

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Architecture Diagram for FastAPI WebSocket Integration
Architecture Diagram for FastAPI WebSocket Integration

The FastAPIWebsocketOutputTransport class in …/ serves as a critical component for sending Pipecat frames over a WebSocket connection in real-time applications. This class is equipped with several methods that streamline the communication process:

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Voice Activity Detection
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References: src/pipecat/vad

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Architecture Diagram for Voice Activity Detection
Architecture Diagram for Voice Activity Detection

The Voice Activity Detection (VAD) system in Pipecat is implemented using the Silero VAD model. The system is responsible for detecting when a user starts and stops speaking, which is crucial for processing audio input in real-time applications.

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References: src/pipecat/serializers

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Architecture Diagram for Serialization
Architecture Diagram for Serialization

The FrameSerializer abstract base class in …/ defines the contract for serializing and deserializing Frame objects. Concrete implementations include:

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Frame Serialization
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References: src/pipecat/serializers

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Architecture Diagram for Frame Serialization
Architecture Diagram for Frame Serialization

Frame serialization in Pipecat is primarily handled by the LivekitFrameSerializer class in …/ This serializer is specifically designed to work with AudioRawFrame objects, which are the only type defined in its SERIALIZABLE_TYPES attribute.

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Twilio Integration
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References: src/pipecat/serializers/

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Architecture Diagram for Twilio Integration
Architecture Diagram for Twilio Integration

The TwilioFrameSerializer class in …/ is tailored for the serialization and deserialization of frames in the context of Twilio's communication APIs. It specifically handles AudioRawFrame objects, converting them to and from the µ-law format required by Twilio, and also manages StartInterruptionFrame objects to facilitate clear signaling within the communication stream.

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Livekit Integration
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References: src/pipecat/serializers/

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Architecture Diagram for Livekit Integration
Architecture Diagram for Livekit Integration

The LivekitFrameSerializer class handles serialization and deserialization of AudioRawFrame objects for Livekit integration. This class is defined in …/

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Utility Functions
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References: src/pipecat/utils

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Architecture Diagram for Utility Functions
Architecture Diagram for Utility Functions

The …/utils directory contains utility functions and classes for various tasks:

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Time Utilities
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References: src/pipecat/utils/

In …/, a collection of utility functions facilitate the conversion and representation of time values for various aspects of the Pipecat framework. These functions are essential for handling time-related data, which is a common requirement in real-time voice and multimodal conversational AI applications.

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Example Applications
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References: examples

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Architecture Diagram for Example Applications
Architecture Diagram for Example Applications

The examples directory showcases various applications built using the Pipecat framework:

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Dial-in Chatbots
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References: examples/dialin-chatbot/, examples/dialin-chatbot/

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Architecture Diagram for Dial-in Chatbots
Architecture Diagram for Dial-in Chatbots

Implementing dial-in chatbots with Pipecat involves the integration of transport layers such as Twilio and Daily, alongside AI services for language understanding and text-to-speech conversion. The chatbots are designed to provide voice-based interaction, allowing users to engage in conversations through phone calls.

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Simple Chatbot
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References: examples/simple-chatbot/

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Architecture Diagram for Simple Chatbot
Architecture Diagram for Simple Chatbot

In the example provided by …/, the TalkingAnimation class enhances user interaction by visually representing the chatbot's speaking state. It activates a sequence of images to simulate speech when an AudioRawFrame is received and reverts to a static image upon receiving a TTSStoppedFrame.

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Storytelling Chatbot
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References: examples/storytelling-chatbot/src/

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Architecture Diagram for Storytelling Chatbot
Architecture Diagram for Storytelling Chatbot

In the storytelling chatbot application found at …/, a combination of text-to-speech, image generation, and event handling is employed to craft interactive storytelling experiences. The application orchestrates these elements through a series of pipelines and processors, each dedicated to a specific aspect of the storytelling process.

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Foundational Examples
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References: examples/foundational/, examples/foundational/, examples/foundational/, examples/foundational/, examples/foundational/

In the foundational examples of the Pipecat framework, the …/ script showcases the synchronization of speech with images. It employs OpenAILLMService for generating text descriptions, ElevenLabsTTSService for text-to-speech, and FalImageGenService for image generation. The MonthFrame and MonthPrepender classes are pivotal in prepending month information to text frames, while the GatedAggregator ensures frames are queued until an image is available, synchronizing the output.

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StudyPal Application
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References: examples/studypal/

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Architecture Diagram for StudyPal Application
Architecture Diagram for StudyPal Application

In the StudyPal application, the DailyTransport class is leveraged to manage audio streams and transcriptions, while the SileroVADAnalyzer detects voice activity to discern when the user speaks. The application employs the CartesiaTTSService for converting text responses into speech, enhancing the interactive experience.

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Interruptible ElevenLabs Example
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References: examples/foundational/

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Architecture Diagram for Interruptible ElevenLabs Example
Architecture Diagram for Interruptible ElevenLabs Example

In the …/ example, the main() function orchestrates a WebRTC call with a suite of conversational AI features. The setup includes:

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