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Architecture Diagram for cyber
Architecture Diagram for cyber

The cyber repository is a hub for engineers to engage with the cyber project, which is designed to construct a decentralized knowledge graph and computing platform aimed at fostering superintelligence. This repository provides the necessary documentation, code, and tools for developers to contribute to the project, understand its architecture, and integrate with its systems to solve complex problems in knowledge management and computation.

The most significant part of the repo is the computing-the-knowledge directory, which contains the core functionality of the Cyber platform. This includes:

• A link to comprehensive documentation and the original whitepaper, which are essential starting points for understanding the project's scope and vision. • The …/ file, which serves as a high-level reference to the Cyber project, providing a gateway to more detailed information.

The pages directory, with its documentation on the economic system and token structure, is crucial for understanding the tokenomics of the cyber platform. It covers various token types such as $CYB, $H, $O, and $V, their distribution, functionality, and the architecture of staking pools.

Key algorithms and technologies the repo relies on include:

  • The consensus mechanisms and relevance computation within the network, which are fundamental to maintaining the integrity and utility of the knowledge graph.
  • The tokenomics that underpin the economic incentives and governance of the platform.

Key design choices of the code include:

  • The use of a content oracle and particle system for organizing knowledge, which is detailed in the Knowledge Graph section.
  • The implementation of consensus and relevance mechanisms to ensure the network's robustness and the accuracy of information, as discussed in the Consensus and Relevance section.
  • A multi-token economy designed to facilitate various operations and incentivize behaviors within the ecosystem, which is elaborated in the Tokenomics section.
  • The user interface design and implementation, which are critical for user engagement and interaction with the platform, are covered in the User Interface section.
  • The Application Interface Protocol (AIP), which outlines how applications are created and managed within the cyber ecosystem, is detailed in the Application Interface Protocol section.

For more detailed information on specific components, refer to the following sections: Knowledge Graph

Knowledge Graph
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References: computing-the-knowledge

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Architecture Diagram for Knowledge Graph
Architecture Diagram for Knowledge Graph

The knowledge graph in Cyber is implemented as a directed weighted graph. Key components include:

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Comprehensive Documentation
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References: computing-the-knowledge/

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Architecture Diagram for Comprehensive Documentation
Architecture Diagram for Comprehensive Documentation

The document located at …/ provides a portal to the cyber project's resources. It includes a link to the project's main website for users to explore its features, as well as a link to the original whitepaper that details the project's conceptual framework and technical specifications.

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Consensus and Relevance
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References: computing-the-knowledge

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Architecture Diagram for Consensus and Relevance
Architecture Diagram for Consensus and Relevance

The Cyber platform achieves consensus and computes relevance through several key mechanisms:

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The tokenomics of the cyber platform is structured around a multi-token system that incentivizes learning, participation, and network growth. The system employs distinct token types, each with a specific role within the ecosystem.

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Token Types
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The cyber ecosystem employs several token types, each serving distinct purposes within the network:

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Token Distribution
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Architecture Diagram for Token Distribution
Architecture Diagram for Token Distribution

The $CYB token is the consensus token for the Cyber network, with a fixed supply of 1,000,000,000,000,000 units. The distribution of $CYB tokens is as follows:

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Token Functionality
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Token functionality in the Cyber ecosystem revolves around four main operations: pay, lock, mint, and burn. These operations are implemented across different token types, each serving a specific purpose in the system.

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Staking and Neurons
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References: pages

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Architecture Diagram for Staking and Neurons
Architecture Diagram for Staking and Neurons

Staking mechanisms in the Cyber ecosystem involve neurons and their interactions with various token types. Neurons can stake on cyberlinks to receive rewards, with the option to stake on all cyberlinks made by the neuron or specific ones. The staking process includes:

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Economic Model and Bandwidth
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References: pages/introduction to bostrom for ai

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Architecture Diagram for Economic Model and Bandwidth
Architecture Diagram for Economic Model and Bandwidth

The Bostrom economic model leverages bandwidth as a key resource, eliminating transaction fees for creating cyberlinks. Bandwidth in Bostrom is analogous to network capacity; it is a measure of the amount of actions a neuron can perform, such as linking or voting. Each neuron's bandwidth is replenished over time, allowing for continuous participation without incurring costs.

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User Interface
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References: pages, logseq

The user interface for the Cyber project is designed to provide a seamless experience for interacting with the decentralized knowledge graph and computing platform. The UI components are organized into a hierarchical structure, with molecules and atoms forming the building blocks of the interface.

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User Interface Elements
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References: pages/, pages/

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Architecture Diagram for User Interface Elements
Architecture Diagram for User Interface Elements

User interface elements in the Cyber project are designed to facilitate interaction with the decentralized knowledge graph and computing platform. Key UI components include:

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Dark Mode Theme Customization
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References: logseq/custom.css, logseq/custom.scss

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Architecture Diagram for Dark Mode Theme Customization
Architecture Diagram for Dark Mode Theme Customization

Customization of the dark mode theme within the Logseq application is achieved through the use of CSS variables and selectors, which are defined in the …/custom.css and …/custom.scss files. These files contain styles that are applied when the dark mode is enabled, altering the visual appearance to provide a darker interface that is easier on the eyes in low-light conditions.

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Custom JavaScript Functionality
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References: logseq/custom.js

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Architecture Diagram for Custom JavaScript Functionality
Architecture Diagram for Custom JavaScript Functionality

The custom JavaScript functionality in …/custom.js provides the following behaviors:

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Cybergraph Integration
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Integration with the cybergraph is a key feature of the UI components within the Cyber platform, particularly through the brain functionality. The brain acts as a graph file manager and is central to the project, enabling users to manage and visualize data in a variety of formats. It facilitates the publishing of content to both IPFS and the cybergraph, ensuring that data is distributed and accessible within the decentralized ecosystem.

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Application Interface Protocol
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Architecture Diagram for Application Interface Protocol
Architecture Diagram for Application Interface Protocol

The Application Interface Protocol (AIP) enables any avatar to become an AIP within the cyber ecosystem. The protocol is defined by the avatar's "soul", which encompasses key components such as menu, widgets, paths, actions, adviser, goal, and access rights. These components are crucial for creating and managing applications in the cyber ecosystem.

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Avatar Interface
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References: pages/, pages/

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Architecture Diagram for Avatar Interface
Architecture Diagram for Avatar Interface

Avatars in the cyber ecosystem interact with the Application Interface Protocol (AIP) through their "soul", which defines the avatar's capabilities and characteristics within the system. The soul consists of several key components:

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AIP Components
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References: pages/

The Application Interface Protocol (AIP) consists of several key components that define an avatar's soul:

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Signal Interactions
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References: pages/

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Architecture Diagram for Signal Interactions
Architecture Diagram for Signal Interactions

Signal interactions form a core component of the Application Interface Protocol (AIP) in the cyber ecosystem. The concept of signals appears to be central to how different parts of the system communicate and interact with each other.

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Ask Functionality
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References: pages/

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Architecture Diagram for Ask Functionality
Architecture Diagram for Ask Functionality

The "ask" functionality in the cyber protocol enables users to pose questions and receive truthful answers from the system. It is designed as a fundamental "OpenAI API compatible" method of interaction, distinct from traditional search mechanisms.

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