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Auto-generated from princeton-nlp/SWE-agent by Auto WikiRevise

GitHub Repository
Written inPython
Last updated04/02/2024
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Software Versionp-0.0.4Premium
Generated fromCommit 67fee8
Generated at04/02/2024

The SWE-agent repository is designed to transform language models into software engineering agents that can autonomously fix bugs and address issues within real GitHub repositories. Engineers can leverage this tool to automate the debugging and patching process, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual effort in software maintenance.

The most significant components of the repository include the sweagent directory, which encapsulates the core functionality of the agent, including its behavior, interaction with the environment, and model inference. The scripts directory is also crucial as it contains scripts for running the agent and evaluating its performance. The config directory is essential for defining the agent's commands and environment interactions.

  • The sweagent directory:

    • The agent subdirectory contains the Agent class, which manages the model, configurations, and arguments, and orchestrates the interaction with the SWEEnv environment.
    • The environment subdirectory includes the SWEEnv class, which is responsible for managing the Docker container environment where the agent operates.
    • Key design choices in this directory include the use of abstract base classes and concrete implementations to provide a flexible and extensible architecture. For more details, see Core Agent Functionality.
  • The scripts directory:

  • The config directory:

    • It defines the commands and prompt templates that the agent uses to interact with the SWEEnv environment.
    • The commands subdirectory includes scripts for file management, editing, linting, and search functionality within the command-line interface.
    • The configuration files are processed to set up the environment state variables and the action interface for the agent. For more details, see Agent Configuration and Commands.

The repository relies on key technologies such as Docker for creating isolated environments, Gym for defining the agent's interaction space, and various machine learning models for inference. The use of Docker ensures that the agent operates in a consistent and controlled environment, while Gym provides a structured framework for the agent's actions and observations.

In summary, the SWE-agent repository provides a sophisticated framework for automating software engineering tasks using advanced language models. It integrates a variety of scripts and configurations to facilitate the agent's learning, execution, and evaluation within a Dockerized environment, making it a powerful tool for developers looking to streamline the debugging and patching process.

Agent Configuration and Commands

References: config

The config directory is pivotal in defining the SWE-agent's interaction with the SWEEnv environment. It encapsulates the logic for command execution, prompt template definition, and environment state management. The directory structures the agent's capabilities to navigate, edit, and interact with the codebase through a set of predefined commands and state variables.

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Configuration File Format and Processing

References: config/

YAML configuration files in config dictate the SWE-agent's interaction with the SWEEnv environment. These files define prompt templates, environment state variables, and the action interface.

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Command Utilities and File Management

Shell scripts …/ and …/ facilitate file management and navigation within a command-line interface. These scripts provide essential commands for interacting with files, managing cursors, and formatting display output.

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Editing and Linting

The edit() function in …/ and …/ enables users to modify text within files and validates the changes using the flake8 linter. The primary operations performed by edit() are:

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Search Functionality

The script provides command-line search capabilities, enabling users to locate specific terms within directories or files and to find files by name. The script includes three primary functions: search_dir(), search_file(), and find_file().

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Docker Configuration

References: docker

The docker directory is pivotal for setting up the Docker environment for the SWE-agent. It includes Dockerfiles that define the necessary configurations to create Docker images tailored for the SWE-agent's operation and evaluation.

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Evaluation of Agent Performance

References: evaluation

The evaluation directory equips users with scripts to assess the SWE-agent's efficacy in generating model patch predictions. The primary script,, serves as a gateway to the evaluation process, invoking with necessary arguments to facilitate the evaluation. The script is pivotal in orchestrating the evaluation, leveraging the swebench library to process model predictions, execute the SWE-bench evaluation, and output the results in JSON format.

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Evaluation Workflow

The evaluation workflow for the SWE-agent involves setting up and executing the script, which serves as a wrapper for the script. The workflow is initiated by providing the script with the path to the model's predictions file. This script orchestrates the evaluation process by setting up necessary directories and invoking with appropriate arguments.

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Evaluation Core Logic

The script processes model predictions by interfacing with the swebench library to evaluate the performance of the SWE-agent. It accepts a .jsonl file containing predictions and utilizes command-line arguments to determine the paths for logs, task instances, and the testbed directory. The script's core functionalities include:

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Results Aggregation and Analysis
Revise parses experiment directories to aggregate data into a DataFrame, which is then output as a CSV file and a console summary. The script's command-line arguments allow filtering by model, dataset, setup, and run count, tailoring the aggregation process to specific evaluation needs.

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Web-based Trajectory Inspection

References: inspector

The inspector directory equips users with a web interface to visualize and inspect trajectory files produced by the SWE-agent. The interface is designed to facilitate the understanding and analysis of the agent's behavior through the trajectories it generates during operation.

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Web Server Setup and Request Handling

The local HTTP server is initialized in …/ using the http.server module. A custom Handler class extends http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler to manage HTTP requests and serve trajectory file contents and related information. The server is configured to listen on a specified port and can be started by invoking the main() function with the desired data path, directory, and port number.

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File Viewer Interface

The web interface for browsing trajectory files is facilitated by …/index.html and …/fileViewer.js. The interface allows users to select and view the contents of trajectory files, as well as refresh the displayed content without reloading the entire page.

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Static HTML Viewer Generation

The script generates static HTML viewer pages for trajectory files, enabling offline review of the SWE-agent's interactions. The script processes trajectory files by loading their content and formatting it for web display, including the conversation history with distinct roles such as user or assistant. The resulting HTML pages are styled and structured to provide a clear and navigable presentation of the trajectory data.

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Interface Styling

The …/style.css file provides the visual styling for the SWE-agent inspector interface. It defines the layout, animations, and content type styling to ensure a user-friendly and visually coherent experience.

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Demonstration Management

References: make_demos

The make_demos directory is dedicated to the generation and handling of demonstration files which serve as training data for language models. These demonstrations are derived from completed trajectories, showcasing the sequence of actions an agent must take to resolve tasks within the environment.

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Execution Scripts

References: scripts

The scripts directory serves as a centralized hub for the execution and operational management of the SWE-agent. It contains a suite of scripts that facilitate the running of the SWE-agent, the evaluation of its performance, and the management of the Docker environment in which the agent operates.

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Inference and Evaluation Workflow

The script serves as a wrapper to execute the script with predefined arguments. It sets the model to be used (model_name), the dataset location (data_path), the cost limit for each instance (per_instance_cost_limit), and the configuration file (config_file). The script, while not detailed in the summaries, is the main inference script that likely performs the core functionality of the SWE-agent, such as processing input data and generating predictions or actions based on the model specified.

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Data-Driven Execution

The script enables the SWE-agent to operate on data extracted from a GitHub issue URL. It invokes the script with a set of predefined arguments that include the model name, the URL of the GitHub issue, a specific base commit hash, a cost limit for the operation, and a configuration file. The script is designed to facilitate the use of GitHub issues as input data for the SWE-agent's inference process.

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Trajectory Replay

The script facilitates the replay of saved trajectories for analysis or debugging by invoking the script. The replay process is essential for understanding the behavior of the SWE-agent in past executions, which can be critical for both improving the agent's performance and diagnosing issues.

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Docker Container Management

The script is a utility for managing Docker containers, specifically designed to remove all containers from a system. It leverages Docker commands to perform this action, and its operation is encapsulated in a single line of Bash code:

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Core Agent Functionality

References: sweagent

The Agent class orchestrates the core functionality of the SWE-agent, managing the interaction between the agent's behavior, the environment, and the model inference process. It initializes with configurations and arguments, setting the stage for the agent's operation within the SWEEnv environment. The Agent class's forward method acts as the primary inference call, processing the model's output and updating the agent's history accordingly.

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Agent Behavior and Model Interaction

The Agent class orchestrates the interaction between the software engineering agent and the coding environment, leveraging the model's capabilities to perform tasks. Upon initialization, the Agent sets up the environment and prepares for the execution of commands. The forward method serves as the primary conduit for the agent's operation, processing the model's output and updating the environment's state.

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Environment Management

The SWEEnv class is responsible for the orchestration of the Docker container environment, which is pivotal for the execution of the SWE-agent. It extends the gym.Env class, providing a structured environment that is compatible with reinforcement learning workflows. The class manages the lifecycle of Docker containers used to run software engineering tasks, ensuring that each task has a clean, isolated environment.

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History Processing Strategies

In …/, the HistoryProcessor abstract base class serves as the foundation for implementing various history processing strategies. These strategies are crucial for transforming the conversation history into a format suitable for the agent's subsequent operations.

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Model Abstraction and Inference

The BaseModel serves as an abstraction layer for various language models, providing a unified interface for model interaction. It establishes a framework for initializing model arguments, managing API statistics, and defining the core query() method for subclasses to implement.

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Experiment Trajectories

References: trajectories

The trajectories directory serves as the centralized storage for the results of experiments conducted by the SWE-agent. Each experiment's data is encapsulated within a user-specific subdirectory, which contains several key files:

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