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Auto-generated from kubernetes/kubernetes by Auto Wiki

GitHub Repository
Written inGo
Watchers 3.2k
Last updated04/12/2024
LicenseApache License 2.0
Auto Wiki
Software Versionp-0.0.4Premium
Generated fromCommit cae35d
Generated at04/13/2024

The Kubernetes repository provides the necessary components for the scheduling and management of containers at scale. It addresses the challenge of deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications across clusters of hosts. The repository is structured into various directories, each responsible for different aspects of the Kubernetes system.

One of the most critical parts of the repository is the cmd directory, which contains the main command implementations for the Kubernetes components such as the API server (kube-apiserver), controller manager (kube-controller-manager), scheduler (kube-scheduler), and kubelet (kubelet). These components work together to maintain the desired state of the cluster, manage the lifecycle of pods, and ensure that the correct number of containers are running.

  • The API server (kube-apiserver) acts as the front-end for the Kubernetes control plane, processing RESTful operations and updating the state of API objects in the etcd datastore.
  • The controller manager (kube-controller-manager) runs controller processes that regulate the state of the cluster, such as node controller, replication controller, endpoints controller, and service account & token controllers.
  • The scheduler (kube-scheduler) watches for newly created pods with no assigned node and selects a node for them to run on based on resource availability and other constraints.
  • The kubelet (kubelet) ensures that containers are running in a pod, manages the lifecycle of the containers, and reports back to the rest of the control plane.

The pkg directory contains the core libraries and packages that provide the functionality for components like the API server and kubelet. This includes the code for managing volumes (pkg/volume), nodes (pkg/controller/nodelifecycle), and client tools (pkg/kubectl).

The repository relies on a range of technologies and algorithms, including etcd for distributed data storage, Docker for container runtime, and a scheduler that uses a priority and fairness algorithm to determine pod placement. It also uses a declarative model where the desired state of the cluster is described using Kubernetes API objects, and controllers work to make the actual state match the desired state.

Key design choices in the code include modularity, allowing different components to be developed and scaled independently, and extensibility, enabling features like Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to extend Kubernetes capabilities without modifying the core codebase.

For more details on specific components and their functionalities, refer to the respective sections such as Kubernetes API Server, Kubernetes Controller Manager, Kubernetes Scheduler, and Kubernetes Kubelet.