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Auto-generated from babybuddy/babybuddy by Auto Wiki

GitHub Repository
Written inPython
Watchers 34
Last updated02/23/2024
LicenseBSD 2-Clause "Simplified"
Auto Wiki
Software Version0.0.7Basic
Generated fromCommit 2d1338
Generated at02/24/2024

The babybuddy repository provides a web application to help caregivers track sleep, feedings, diaper changes, and other child-related data. It allows parents to monitor patterns and predict baby needs without guesswork.

The core functionality is implemented in the core directory, which contains models like Child and Feeding to represent baby data, along with forms, views, and templates to interact with the data. Key aspects include:

  • The Child model defined in …/ represents a baby registered in the system. It contains fields like name and relationships to track associated events and metrics over time.

  • Forms like FeedingForm in …/ validate and handle input for creating/updating events. They inherit common logic like field ordering from CoreModelForm.

  • Class-based views in …/ provide interfaces to list, add, edit, delete records in the admin and dashboard.

  • Templates in …/templates render the output using template tags and context data from the views.

The dashboard module focuses on visualizing the data. The Dashboard class defined in …/dashboard.js handles refreshing dashboard elements on intervals or visibility changes. Template tags in …/ generate cards displaying recent events. Styles in …/scss format the output.

The reports module contains graph generation code to visualize trends over time. Views retrieve child records and render report templates with the graphs, like …/ and …/reports.

An API provided in api allows accessing child data via endpoints exposed by Django REST Framework. It provides serializers, filters, viewsets and tests for the models.

The application relies on Python/Django to implement the backend logic and PostgreSQL to persist the data. The frontend utilizes JavaScript, CSS and templating functionality to create the interfaces. Key design choices include a split between data models, business logic controllers, and presentation views.

Core Application Logic

References: core

The core application logic is handled through models, views, forms, and other Python code modules. Models define structure and relationships for key entities like children, feedings, and sleep events. Views provide interfaces for common CRUD operations. Forms configure fields and validation. Templates render presentation. Migrations evolve the database schema. Tests validate behavior.

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References: babybuddy

The core Django models for tracking child data are defined in the …/ file. This file contains the main model classes representing babies, measurements, events, and other important data.

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References: babybuddy

The …/ file contains Django form classes corresponding to each model defined in …/ These forms handle validation and sanitization of data submitted by users to create or update records in the models.

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References: babybuddy

The core views are implemented in the …/ file. This file contains classes that provide basic CRUD functionality for models.

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References: core/templates

The templates in BabyBuddy handle rendering the user-facing views by assembling dynamic HTML presentations from data. Templates rely on external application logic and components to populate template context and handle requests.

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References: core/migrations

Handles database schema changes as models evolve over time. The core functionality provided by the code in this section is managing changes to the structure of database tables over time using database migrations. As requirements for models change or new models are added, database migrations allow applying these changes to the database schema and rolling them back in a controlled, reversible way.

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References: core/tests

The …/tests directory contains comprehensive tests that validate the core functionality of forms, models, views and utilities in the BabyBuddy application.

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Template Tags

References: core/templatetags

The …/templatetags directory contains template tag files and filters that are used to add common functionality and components for templates in the BabyBuddy project. Some key template tags and filters include:

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Static Assets

References: core/static_src

This section contains frontend code including JavaScript, Stylesheet (SCSS) files, and images. It is split into two sub-directories:

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User Dashboard

References: dashboard

The Dashboard class defined in …/dashboard.js provides the core functionality for watching and updating the babybuddy dashboard.

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Dashboard Views

The Dashboard and ChildDashboard views in …/ render dashboard pages displaying child cards, widgets and timers.

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Dashboard Templates

The …/dashboard directory contains templates used to display dashboard pages in the BabyBuddy application. The key templates are:

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Card Templates

The …/cards directory contains template files that render specific types of cards displaying child data on the baby buddy dashboard. These cards present information like the last diaper change, recent feedings, sleep data, and other metrics in an easy-to-read format for parents.

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Dashboard JavaScript

The Dashboard object in the …/dashboard.js file provides functionality to periodically refresh dashboard data on the client side. It handles both interval-based updates and browser visibility change events.

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Dashboard Styles

The …/scss directory contains stylesheet (SCSS) code for styling the user interface of the babybuddy dashboard. The main files are:

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Template Tags

This section exposes tags to generate dashboard cards and widgets. The …/templatetags directory contains the file …/ that defines Django template tags for generating cards and widgets.

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Dashboard Testing

References: dashboard/tests

The …/tests directory contains tests that validate the dashboard views and template tags.

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Child Reports

References: reports

The reports module generates graphs and reports visualizing trends in a child's data over time. Key functionality includes:

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Graph Generation

References: reports/graphs

The code in the …/graphs directory contains functionality for generating visual graphs from baby data over time. Several important files in this directory contain functions for mapping model fields to Plotly trace data in order to visualize trends over time.

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Report Templates

The templates in the …/reports directory are responsible for rendering child report pages. These templates focus on presentation logic and do not contain any custom business logic implementation.

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Report Views

References: reports/

The report views are responsible for retrieving data and rendering report templates. Each report class inherits from the PermissionRequiredMixin and DetailView classes. They require the "core.view_child" permission and retrieve a Child model instance for the report.

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Report Testing

References: reports/tests

The tests in the …/tests directory validate that the report views and graph generation functionality work as expected.

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References: api

The Baby Buddy application exposes child data and actions through a REST API defined in api. This API utilizes serializers to convert models to and from JSON, viewsets to provide CRUD operations on models, and filters to allow querying endpoints by model fields.

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References: babybuddy

Serializers define how to convert model instances to and from JSON for the API. This allows representing models as structured data that can be processed, transferred, and rendered in various contexts like the API explorer UI.

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References: babybuddy

Viewsets are handled in the …/ file. This file contains viewset classes that provide CRUD operations on models over the API by mapping HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE to model-specific actions.

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References: babybuddy

Implements filters to allow querying API endpoints by model fields. The …/ file defines various FilterSet classes that are used to filter querysets by different fields on each model. It contains abstract base classes like ChildFieldFilter that extract common filtering functionality.

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References: babybuddy

The …/ file contains test cases that validate the behavior of the API endpoints for each model in the BabyBuddy application. These tests are important for ensuring the API functions as expected.

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References: babybuddy

The core URL routing functionality is handled in the …/ file. This file defines all the API URLs using Django's router system.

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Application Configuration

References: babybuddy

The babybuddy directory handles overall application setup, including the Settings model, signals, management commands, middleware, and testing suite.

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Settings Model

The Settings model represents the central model for storing user preferences and application configuration. Defined in the …/ file, it contains fields for key user settings like:

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Signals and Population

References: babybuddy/

The BabyBuddyConfig AppConfig subclass handles connecting signals to initialize user settings upon account creation. The ready() method associates the create_read_only_group and set_default_site_settings functions to the post_migrate signal.

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The …/ file contains several custom middleware classes that modify the request context to add functionality.

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Management Commands

The …/commands directory contains Django management commands used to manage data and functionality for the Baby Buddy application. The main commands are:

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Testing Suite

References: babybuddy/tests

The …/tests directory contains test files and subdirectories that implement automated unit and integration tests for the BabyBuddy application.

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This code provides functionality for importing and exporting child data from the BabyBuddy application.

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Administrative Interface Customization

References: babybuddy

The …/admin directory customizes the admin interface for entering child data. This is done through styling and interactivity enhancements to Django's auto-generated admin.

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