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Auto-generated from axios/axios by Auto WikiRevise

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Written inJavaScript
Last updated04/04/2024
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Software Version0.0.8Basic
Generated fromCommit 751133
Generated at04/04/2024

The Axios library is a popular, promise-based HTTP client that provides a comprehensive set of features for making HTTP requests in both browser and Node.js environments. It simplifies the process of sending asynchronous HTTP requests to REST endpoints and performing CRUD operations. The library handles the complexity of making requests, transforming request and response data, and managing the request/response lifecycle.

The core functionality of Axios is implemented in the …/core directory, which contains the main Axios class and several utility functions. The Axios class is the primary entry point for making HTTP requests, providing methods like get(), post(), put(), and delete(). It manages the default configuration and the request/response interceptors, which allow developers to modify the requests and responses.

Error handling is a crucial aspect of the Axios library, and it is implemented through the AxiosError class, which extends the built-in Error class and provides additional context and information about errors that occur during the request/response cycle. Error Handling

The Axios library also provides a AxiosHeaders class, which is responsible for managing HTTP headers in a structured and efficient manner. This class allows developers to set, get, delete, and normalize headers for their requests and responses. Header Management

Another important component of Axios is the InterceptorManager class, which manages a stack of interceptors. Interceptors are functions that can be used to modify or handle requests and responses, providing a flexible way to extend the library's functionality. Interceptor Management

The Axios library is designed to be platform-agnostic, with the …/platform directory containing functionality to ensure that the library can operate correctly in different runtime environments, including browsers and Node.js. This includes providing access to platform-specific classes like Blob, FormData, and URLSearchParams, as well as exposing information about the current runtime environment. Platform-Specific Functionality

The …/helpers directory contains a collection of utility functions and classes that are used throughout the Axios codebase. These helpers provide functionality for URL manipulation, cookie management, data transformation, and type checking, among other things. Utility Functions

The Axios library also includes several HTTP adapters, which are responsible for dispatching requests and settling the returned Promises. The …/adapters directory contains the implementation of these adapters, including the main httpAdapter and the xhrAdapter for making requests in browser and Node.js environments, respectively. Adapter Implementation

Finally, the examples directory provides a set of examples and demonstrations that showcase the usage of the Axios library for various HTTP-related tasks, such as making GET and POST requests, handling multipart form data, transforming response data, and uploading files. Examples and Demonstrations

Core Functionality

References: lib/core

The core functionality of the Axios library is centered around making HTTP requests, handling errors, managing headers, and intercepting requests and responses. The library provides a comprehensive set of features and utilities to streamline these tasks, with a focus on flexibility and extensibility.

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The `Axios` Class

References: lib/core/Axios.js

The Axios class is the main entry point for making HTTP requests using the Axios library. It is responsible for managing the default configuration and the request/response interceptors.

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Error Handling

The Axios library provides a custom AxiosError class that extends the built-in Error class and provides additional context and information when an error occurs during an Axios request. The AxiosError class is defined in the …/AxiosError.js file and serves as a standardized way to handle and represent errors that occur during Axios requests.

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Header Management

The AxiosHeaders class is responsible for managing HTTP headers in a structured and efficient manner, providing methods for setting, getting, deleting, and normalizing headers.

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Interceptor Management

The InterceptorManager class is responsible for managing a stack of interceptors, which are functions that can be used to modify or handle requests and responses. The class provides methods to add, remove, and iterate over the registered interceptors.

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Utility Functions

The Axios library includes several utility functions that are used throughout the core functionality, such as buildFullPath(), dispatchRequest(), mergeConfig(), settle(), and transformData().

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Platform-Specific Functionality

References: lib/platform

The Axios library provides platform-specific functionality to ensure it can operate correctly in different runtime environments, including browsers and Node.js. This is achieved through the …/platform directory, which contains the following key functionality:

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Browser Platform Functionality

The …/browser directory and its associated files provide platform-specific functionality for the Axios library when running in a browser environment. The key functionality includes:

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Node.js Platform Functionality

The Node.js Platform Functionality section of the Axios library covers the platform-specific functionality when running in a Node.js environment. This includes providing access to key classes and exposing information about the supported protocols.

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Common Utility Functions

The utils.js file in the …/ directory contains several utility functions that the Axios library uses to determine the runtime environment in which it is executing. These functions provide important checks to ensure Axios can adapt its behavior based on the available features and capabilities of the current environment.

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Utility Functions

References: lib/helpers

The Axios library provides a variety of utility functions that are used throughout the codebase. These functions handle tasks such as URL manipulation, cookie management, data transformation, and type checking.

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URL Manipulation

The buildURL() function in the …/buildURL.js file is responsible for constructing a URL by appending parameters to the end of a base URL. It provides a flexible and customizable way to build URLs, allowing for the use of custom encoding and serialization functions.

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Data Transformation

The formDataToJSON() function in the …/formDataToJSON.js file is responsible for converting a FormData object into a JavaScript object representation. This is useful when you need to send form data as part of an HTTP request, as it allows you to easily work with the data in a structured format.

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Type Checking

The isAxiosError() function is a utility function provided by the Axios library that determines whether a given error is an Axios-specific error. This function is useful for distinguishing Axios-specific errors from other types of errors that may occur in an application.

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Utility Classes

The AxiosTransformStream class is a custom stream implementation that extends the stream.Transform class. It is responsible for handling the transformation and progress tracking of data being transferred using the Axios HTTP client library.

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General Utilities

The bind() function in …/bind.js is a utility function that creates a new function that, when called, will call the original function with a specific this value. This is useful when you need to call a function in a different context than the one it was originally defined in. The bind() function takes two arguments: the function to be bound, and the this value to use when calling the function.

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Adapter Implementation

References: lib/adapters

The Axios library provides a flexible and extensible system for handling different HTTP adapters, which are responsible for dispatching requests and settling the returned Promises. The core functionality of the adapter implementation is spread across several files and directories within the axios/lib/adapters directory.

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Adapter Selection

The getAdapter function in the adapters.js file is responsible for selecting the appropriate HTTP adapter to use for making requests in the Axios library. This function takes an adapters argument, which can be a single adapter name/function or an array of them, and returns the first valid adapter that can be used.

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HTTP Adapter

The http.js file in the …/adapters directory provides the implementation of the HTTP adapter for the Axios library. This adapter is responsible for handling the low-level details of making HTTP requests, including features like proxy support, request/response handling, and error handling.

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XHR Adapter

The dispatchXhrRequest function is the main function responsible for handling the XHR (XMLHttpRequest) adapter in the Axios library. This adapter is used for making HTTP requests using the native XMLHttpRequest object in the browser.

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Examples and Demonstrations

References: examples

The Examples and Demonstrations section covers the usage of the Axios library for various HTTP-related tasks, providing a comprehensive set of examples to help users understand and utilize the library's capabilities.

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Parallel Requests

References: examples/all

The axios.all() method is used to make multiple requests in parallel and handle the responses. This method takes an array of Axios requests as its argument and returns a Promise that resolves to an array of the results from the individual requests.

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AMD Environment

References: examples/amd

The AMD Environment subsection demonstrates how to use the Axios library in an AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) environment. The key functionality is:

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GET Requests

References: examples/get

The …/index.html file demonstrates the usage of the axios.get() function to fetch data from a server and display it on a web page. The page uses the Bootstrap CSS framework for styling and displays a list of people with their GitHub and Twitter profiles.

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POST Requests

References: examples/post

The function is used to send data to a server using an HTTP POST request. This subsection demonstrates the usage of to send JSON data to a server and handle the response.

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Multipart Form Data

The index.html file in the …/postMultipartFormData directory demonstrates how to send a multipart form data request using the Axios library.

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Response Transformation

The transformResponse option in Axios allows you to modify the response data before it is returned to the application. This can be a useful technique when working with APIs that return data in a format that needs to be transformed before it can be used.

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File Uploads

References: examples/upload

The …/upload directory provides an example of uploading a file to a server using the Axios library. The key functionality is implemented in the following components:

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