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GitHub Repository
Written inC
Last updated04/09/2024
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Generated at04/09/2024

The repository serves as an implementation framework for training large language models (LLMs) directly in C and CUDA, providing a resource for engineers to develop and fine-tune LLMs with a focus on raw computational efficiency. It is particularly useful for scenarios where dependency minimization and performance optimization are critical, such as in embedded systems or when working with limited resources.

The most significant components of the repository include the training pipeline for the GPT-2 model, as detailed in train_gpt2.c, and the implementation of Layer Normalization, a key operation in neural networks, found in …/layernorm.c. These files are central to the functionality of the repo, as they contain the core logic for model training and a critical normalization technique, respectively.

  • The training pipeline in train_gpt2.c is designed to load pre-trained model parameters, process input data, and execute the training loop. The key elements of this process are:
    • Loading model parameters using gpt2_build_from_checkpoint().
    • Managing data through the DataLoader struct, which handles batching and preparation of input tensors.
    • Running the training loop, which includes forward propagation (forward()), loss computation, backward propagation (backward()), and parameter updates using the AdamW optimizer.
    • For more details on the training pipeline, refer to the Model Training Pipeline section.

Layer Normalization, as implemented in …/layernorm.c, is crucial for stabilizing the learning process and accelerating convergence. The implementation includes:

The repository also includes scripts for data preprocessing, such as and, which handle the downloading and tokenization of datasets. These scripts are essential for preparing the data that the model will be trained on.

Key algorithms and technologies the repo relies on include:

  • The GPT-2 architecture for the language model, which is a transformer-based neural network known for its effectiveness in natural language processing tasks.
  • CUDA for leveraging GPU acceleration, enhancing the training speed and efficiency of the model.
  • SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) instructions for CPU optimizations, which improve the computational throughput on the CPU side.

The key design choices of the code include:

  • A focus on minimizing dependencies to ensure the code is lightweight and easily portable.
  • Direct implementation in C for maximum control over memory and computational efficiency, which is particularly important for deployment in resource-constrained environments.
  • Providing a reference implementation in PyTorch, as seen in, to facilitate comparison and validation of the C implementation.

In summary, the repository provides the necessary components for training and fine-tuning large language models with an emphasis on efficiency and minimal dependencies, utilizing key technologies such as CUDA and SIMD, and implementing critical operations like Layer Normalization in both C and PyTorch.

Large Language Model Implementation

References: llm.c

The implementation of the large language model (LLM) in train_gpt2.c is centered around the GPT2 struct, which encapsulates the model's configuration, parameters, and activations. The gpt2_build_from_checkpoint() function initializes this structure by loading pre-trained GPT-2 model parameters from a checkpoint file, enabling the continuation of training or fine-tuning on specific datasets.

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Model Architecture

References: llm.c

The large language model (LLM) architecture in train_gpt2.c is structured around the GPT-2 model, which is composed of multiple layers and components designed to process and generate human-like text. The model includes an encoder for input representation, multi-head self-attention mechanisms for capturing dependencies, and feed-forward neural networks for transforming representations.

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Data Loading and Preprocessing

References: llm.c

The dataset loading and preprocessing pipeline is designed to handle the acquisition and preparation of text data for training the language model. The pipeline consists of two primary stages: dataset downloading and text tokenization.

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Training Loop and Optimization

References: llm.c

The training process for the GPT-2 language model is orchestrated by the main() function in train_gpt2.c, which coordinates the forward and backward passes, loss computation, and parameter updates. The training loop is structured as follows:

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Efficiency Optimizations

References: llm.c

Parallelization is leveraged in the training pipeline to enhance computational efficiency. OpenMP pragmas are utilized within key functions such as encoder_forward(), encoder_backward(), attention_forward(), attention_backward(), gelu_forward(), gelu_backward(), residual_forward(), and residual_backward(). These pragmas enable concurrent execution of operations that are independent and can be run in parallel, significantly reducing execution time on multi-core processors.

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Layer Normalization Implementation

Layer Normalization is implemented in the codebase through two primary functions: layernorm_forward() and layernorm_backward(), located in …/layernorm.c. These functions handle the normalization of inputs across a single layer, which is crucial for stabilizing the learning process in deep neural networks.

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Data Preprocessing

References: llm.c

Data preprocessing in the codebase is a critical step to prepare datasets for language modeling tasks. The preprocessing involves two primary operations: downloading datasets and tokenizing text data. The codebase includes scripts that automate these processes, ensuring that the data is in the correct format for the language model to process.

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Dataset Downloading

References: llm.c

Dataset acquisition and integrity verification are managed by the and scripts. These scripts are responsible for downloading the TinyStories and TinyShakespeare datasets, respectively, and preparing the data for training the language model.

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Text Tokenization

References: llm.c

Tokenization in the codebase is handled by the encode() function from the tiktoken library, which is utilized in the scripts and The process involves converting raw text data into a sequence of tokens that the language model can interpret. Here's how the tokenization process is integrated into the model's input requirements:

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Layer Normalization

References: doc/layernorm

Layer Normalization is implemented in both C and PyTorch within the codebase. The C version is found in …/layernorm.c and the PyTorch version in …/ Both implementations perform the same fundamental operation but are designed to integrate with their respective environments.

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Model Training Pipeline

References: llm.c

The GPT-2 language model training pipeline is orchestrated by the train_gpt2.c file, which integrates various components to facilitate the end-to-end process from loading pre-trained parameters to updating the model through iterative training.

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Pre-trained Model Loading

References: llm.c

Pre-trained model parameters are loaded into the GPT-2 architecture using the gpt2_build_from_checkpoint() function. This process involves:

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Data Batching

References: llm.c

The data batching mechanism in the codebase is designed to efficiently prepare and load data for training the language model. The process involves grouping tokenized text data into batches, which are then used as input tensors for the model during the training loop. The key components of this mechanism are implemented in the DataLoader class within the train_gpt2.c file.

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Training Loop

References: llm.c

The training loop in train_gpt2.c orchestrates the model's learning process through a series of steps executed during each iteration over the training data. The loop is structured as follows:

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Reference Implementation in PyTorch

References: llm.c

The PyTorch-based reference implementation of the GPT-2 model serves as a benchmark for the C implementation, ensuring compatibility and performance alignment. The reference code is located in and includes the complete GPT-2 architecture with classes such as CausalSelfAttention, MLP, and the main GPT model class.

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Layer Normalization in PyTorch

The LayerNorm class in …/ provides a PyTorch-based implementation of layer normalization, crucial for stabilizing the learning process in deep neural networks. It includes two static methods, forward and backward, which are essential for the layer normalization operation during the training of neural models.

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